Velkommen · Welcome

Et hjørne med vin serveret på glas og i flaske siden 2009. Med passende retter og ikke mindst en bugnende vinhandel. Velplaceret foran Holmens kanal i en historisk tehandel. Nabo til vores elefant Admiralgade 26.

A tranquil corner serving and selling wine to patrons and likeminded since 2009. Situated in front of Holmens canal in a historic tea shop, neighbour to our elephant Admiralgade 26.

Stay wondrous, supportive and happy


A momentary change

Introducing a slight change to our schedule: for the next couple of months Saturdays will start later at our corner. We will be taking the time to do morning yoga and a bit of meditation, while awaiting for the glorious sun that is yet to come. We will be opening at 15, as we do every other day.

Still, if you are in need of sustenance and tranquility, do join us at the other corner Admiralgade 26 for Choushoku, our beloved Japanese breakfast, that is served from 11:30.


Introducing temporary change (and breaking the routine)

Some routines are made to be broken, even if it’s just for a while. As such, Monday Meal will have a small intermission and become a monthly affair, happening on the last Monday of the month. We will take the time to gather thoughts and come up with new plans. 

In the meantime, our kitchen will be open as always, with our usual menu: a tailored selection of cheese, charcuterie and other delicacies, and the inevitable Croque Monsieur. 



A soundtrack from Ved Stranden 10 and Admiralgade 26 ever so inspired by staff and patrons all longing.. yearning. No order, playful and meant to inspire.

Spotify url
Spotify playlist link